Snowballs, Snowmen, and a Dog Gone Wild

I hail from Denver and grew up with cold, snowy winters. My pup Murph, however, was born in the Sunshine State of Florida and grew up with mild winter weather. Late in 2005 we moved to Nashville, so last year was our first winter here. We saw a couple of snows that yielded about a half an inch or so each, but last Friday we woke to a blanket of almost two inches. Since I work from home and can set my own hours, I decided to take an extra long mid-morning break and take Murph outside to play. But … Continue reading

Why can’t we all have Disney Weather?

I’m looking out my window here in Sweden at the huge amount of snow that the sky dropped onto us overnight Saturday/Sunday. There’s about 1.5 feet of it. What’s with that? I know that I’m supposed to live in a country that’s known for its winter weather, but come on people, 1.5 feet overnight! This wouldn’t happen in Disney! If you’ve ever been to Disney World, you’ll know that Disney’s got it under control. They’ve even got the weather to behave! How do they do that? Ok, so yes, they do get rain. But it’s Disney rain! It’s not the … Continue reading