West Coast Camping

I grew up in Hawaii, where most people don’t plan too far in advance for a weekend camping trip. Rather, they simply pull up to a beach with a sheet and a packed cooler, and let the good times roll. When I moved to the mainland for college I was surprised by how the other-half camped. One of my first camping experiences took place in northern California, near Lake Tahoe. It was an incredible trip filled with hiking, kayaking and learning the finer points of cooking on an open fire. I’m told that people from different regions of the country … Continue reading

Camping Options For The Anti-Camper

My name is Michele and I am an anti-camper. I’ve regaled you with my camping stories (okay story) in a previous blog, just to prove that I am not someone who voices discontent with an activity without trying it first. What can I say? I’m just not the camping type. At least that’s what I thought until I heard about “glamping.” Have you heard of “glamping?” According to tour companies, the word is shorthand for glamorous camping. Resorts in the United Kingdom and Canada have turned the spotlight on luxury camp sites in an effort to lure high rollers to … Continue reading

West Coast Waterfalls

I’m a sucker for waterfalls. Perhaps, it’s because I grew up in Hawaii and lived within walking distance of some of the most popular falls in the world. Or, maybe it’s because a sense of calm rushes over me when I hear the sound of cascading water. Whatever the reason, regardless of where our family travels, if there is a waterfall within a 50-mile radius of where we are staying I make sure we make a stop. There’s no question Hawaii has some spectacular falls, as does California. In fact, the West Coast of the United States is home to … Continue reading

SoCal Spring Break Without Breaking the Bank

Are you ready for spring break 2013? I’ve been ready since November 2012. I would do just about anything to escape the brutal cold and ever-present snow that has smothered our neck of the woods for the past four months. Are you with me? If you need a reprieve from Old Man Winter, but don’t have a ton of cash to fund a luxurious spring break getaway, consider the plethora of travel deals being offered in sunny Southern California: March 7-10, 2013:  Enjoy the magic of Oz on picturesque Coronado Island.  Next month, the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission is presenting … Continue reading

Vacation Memories

Vacations are so much fun, and part of what makes them so special is spending a large block of uninterrupted time with family members. Families strengthen their ties during vacations as they have fun and create memories that will bring them joy long after the trip is over. Some families vacation in the same place every year. Some even pass down a vacation home from generation to generation, or they return with their families to places that their parents brought them as children. Vacations are an important part of each family’s story. If you are a family historian, you may … Continue reading

Summer Lovin’ at the Beach

I grew up just steps away from a black sand beach on the Big Island of Hawaii. Needless to say, there are very few Memorial Day holidays that I have not spent soaking up the sun on a stretch of sand somewhere in the world. Old habits die hard. Whereas I hold the beaches of Hawaii near to my heart, I have spent many summers sprawled out on other sandy spots that you too might consider exploring in the coming months: The Hamptons: If you can’t escape the East Coast this summer, then at least get your tan on somewhere … Continue reading

Snapping Spectacular Sunset Shots

If there is any time of the year to snap a spectacular shot of a sunset it’s now. Summertime means frequent trips to the beach and whether you are spending time at the shore on the East Coast, a coastal retreat out west or camping in the heartland you are bound to witness an awe-inspiring sunset at some point. The trick is doing justice to its beauty with your camera. The following are tips to consider before pointing and shooting at the horizon this summer: PLAN AHEAD Think about your composition. Do you want a simple shot of the sun … Continue reading

Lyme Disease and Your Family

Summer is officially here and that means your family will likely be spending a lot of time in the great outdoors during the next three months. That’s good news for parents who want their kids to take advantage of the fresh air. However, the bad news is that being outdoors increases your children’s chance of coming into contact with ticks infected with Lyme disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control, Lyme disease is an infection caused by harmful bacteria typically found in animals such as mice and deer. Ixodes ticks can pick up the bacteria when they bite an … Continue reading

Saving on Your Summer Vacation—Oregon

Now that you know how to save money on your summer vacation to California let’s head north to the breathtaking state of Oregon. I like to call this trip beauty on a budget. Oregon’s coastal highway provides access to some of the most spectacular views in the nation and the best part—they’re free. All of the beaches along Oregon’s coast are open to the public and access is guaranteed by law. Which means you can pull over, park, unpack your picnic and spend the afternoon whale watching, looking for agates, crabbing, surfing, strolling, or exploring shipwrecks anywhere along the 363-mile … Continue reading

On the Road Again, Parenting On Vacation–Part One

Lingering over my Sunday paper this morning, I stumble across a story that asks the controversial question: “How old should globe-traveling kids be?” This Associated Press story by Beth Harpaz brings up some interesting issues–such as, just because you CAN travel with small children, should you? But, the article actually got me to thinking about nearly two decades of my own road trip and vacation adventures with kids of various ages. It can be done–traveling with children, and while I’ve never taking a long 20-hour flight with any of my children, I do have some friends who have. Firstly, my … Continue reading