Bumper Stickers and Personalized License Plates—-Crack Ups and Controversies

“My cat is smarter than your honor student.” “Stable relationships are for horses.” “I thought I was indecisive; now I’m not so sure.” “Without geometry, life is pointless.” “I’m schizophrenic and so am I.” And, my personal favorite: “WWJD (Who Wants Jelly Donuts?)” Those are just some of the many hilarious bumper stickers I saw adorning vehicles this summer as my family traveled across the Midwest. Honestly, I’m still smiling as I write this. I don’t know where people come up with the material that eventually appears on bumper stickers, but I have to say, I am glad someone’s coming … Continue reading

E-ZPass Exposes Infidelities

Attention adulterers: You may be cruising for a bruising if you are cheating on your loved one and own an E-ZPass. Who knew a little piece of plastic could cause so much trouble? It seems the E-ZPass (a type of electronic toll collection device) is emerging as a powerful means of proving infidelity. The reason: the contraception, that’s no bigger than the common garage door opener, allows suspicious spouses to check out where their cheating mates have been. One New York divorce attorney who has used E-ZPass records several times in court says this about the device: “E-ZPass is an … Continue reading

Travel Warning: Hide Your GPS Units

What car thieves really want is a free set of wheels, but apparently they will settle for expensive GPS units. Just ask my neighbor. He was parked on a busy street, in a well-lit area and ran into a store to pick up a box of battery packs. When he returned less than 15 minutes later he found his car had been hacked into and his $750 GPS unit was gone. Yes, you could wag your finger and make the comment that he shouldn’t have left the unit exposed in his vehicle. But he figured he was in a well-traveled … Continue reading