Fall Travel: Where To Go and Where To Stay This Season

LOUISIANA Two years after Hurricane Katrina devastated the area, New Orleans is getting a shot in the arm from Smithsonian Magazine. The publication is teaming up with the Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism to host CultureFest on October 26-28th in “The Big Easy.” CultureFest is one of the magazine’s signature events, which showcases a particular state’s history, cuisine, arts and more. It typically draws several thousand visitors. In years past it has been held in Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Portland, Oregon. If you are planning to make the trip to New Orleans next month for CultureFest, you may … Continue reading

Hotel Bargain Like No Other

Remember the Watergate Hotel? It became a Washington landmark during the infamous Nixon scandal. The hotel is about to undergo a major facelift, but before it does you have the chance to get in on some incredible savings. No, the hotel is not offering $2 room rates; rather, the hotel is having a massive blow-out sale as it tries to get rid of existing beds, sofas, silver teapots… even toilets to prepare for the renovation. Don’t worry bargain hunters; you still have plenty of time to get in on the action. The sale began earlier today and will last until … Continue reading

Would You Stay In A Hotel Like This?

I’m all for staying in an affordable, clean hotel room. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it would be nice if I didn’t have to worry about the roof falling in while I slept. I’m fairly certain all four walls would remain standing with the newest trend in hotel rooms… but then again how many hotel rooms have you stayed in that came out of a box? Qbic Hotels is introducing low-cost, high design prefabricated rooms that can be plugged into any existing space in any city in the world. Which begs the question: Would you pay to stay … Continue reading

Hotel Parking Ain’t Cheap

When I was single I didn’t think twice about booking a hotel room in downtown Chicago. I loved being within walking distance of my favorite Windy City attractions, shops and restaurants. These days, though, I have a family plus a much stricter family budget, and when it comes to vacationing in Chi-town we stay in the suburbs and take the “L” (the city’s rapid transit system) into the city. The main reason: the price of parking. The price of parking at most downtown Chicago hotels will run you (on average) about $25 per EXIT, not per day. For $45 a … Continue reading

Travel Alert: Dangerous Hotel Toothpaste

Is nothing sacred anymore? A word of warning to all of you travelers: If you took home complimentary toothpaste from your most recent hotel stay beware. A supplier that provides toiletries to luxury hotels has recalled tubes of toothpaste that are potentially toxic. Take a look in your toiletry kit immediately and look for the Gilchrist & Soames label. If you see a tube with that name on it, dispose of the toothpaste right away. The toothpaste was made in China. Yes, the same country that has come under scrutiny for manufacturing faulty tires, toys that make kids sick, and … Continue reading

The Evolution of the Concierge

When was the last time you used the services of a hotel concierge? (Perhaps, a better question is: Have you ever used the service of a concierge?) I can count on one hand the amount of times I have asked for assistance from a concierge. But, that number also reflects the amount of times I have stayed in an establishment that offered the service. These days with technology driving virtually all aspects of the travel industry it’s no surprise that hotels are now revolutionizing their concierge operations. Luxury properties around the world are upgrading concierge services and training staff members … Continue reading