Protect Your Skin with UPF Clothing

As I’ve been driving around lately, I keep seeing billboards advertising SPF clothing. Since the Northern Hemisphere is officially starting summer on June 21st (though it may feel differently in some parts of the country), it’s a good time to look at skin protection! Basically, sun protective clothing uses fabric to protect your skin from the sun. Sounds simple, right? Sun protective clothing was developed in Australia in the 1990s. Why Australia? That country has the highest skin cancer numbers in the whole world — two out of three Australians will be treated for skin cancer during their lifetimes according … Continue reading

Celebrities and Skin Cancer

Being a self-professed “tanaholic” (blame it on the fact that I was born and raised in Hawaii) I often worry that my days of basting (with baby oil) and baking as a teen might come back to haunt me. These days every time I notice an irregular mole or a raised freckle I speed dial my dermatologist. It doesn’t matter that now (years later) as a mother I am extremely vigilant about protecting my skin (and my family’s), the damage is done. All I can do now is hope and pray that I didn’t sustain irreparable damage. And I know … Continue reading

Skin Cancer and Your Diet

I’m at high risk for contracting skin cancer. It’s a fact I live with everyday. Consequently, I am always on the lookout for new information regarding skin cancer. Like most of you I realize the single best way to protect your skin (and prevent cancer) is to avoid sunburn. I adhere to all of my doctor’s warnings… I wear a hat, protective clothing, and sunglasses. I find a shady spot when I am at outdoor events and I slather on the sunscreen even if I am only going to be out in the sun for a little while. Now I’m … Continue reading

New Hope For Those With Skin Cancer

In previous blogs I noted that I am at high risk for skin cancer. I grew up in Hawaii long before “UVA,” “UVB,” and “SPF” were regularly used in conversations about sun exposure. Instead, the only thing I applied to my skin prior to venturing out in the hot Hawaiian sun was baby oil. As a result, I’ve suffered many serious burns and have had to visit the dermatologist on several occasions. Who knew my efforts to achieve a “healthy” golden glow would lead to my current situation of diligently conducting self-skin examinations on a daily basis? I know way … Continue reading

Rock Climbing At Red Rock Canyon

In a previous blog I tried my best to sway you from getting sunburned while walking from casino to casino (or buffet to buffet) during your trip to Las Vegas. Rather, if you are going to cause damage to your skin I suggested you do so at Red Rock Canyon—a.k.a. a rock climber’s mecca. (Kidding aside you should really apply sunscreen to all body parts before exposing yourself to the Nevada sun.) There are a few points I left out of that blog that I’ve decided to share with you now in hopes you will take the 25 minute drive … Continue reading