24 Questions For Facing Your Fear

Much of the fear that fuels our anxiety is based in fiction – false truths that have no basis in reality. From a fear of public speaking, to a fear of leaving the house, our level of anxiety is distorted in relation to the actual potential for danger. These are familiar behaviors that start in childhood – that fear of the monster in the closet or under the bed. You may not be able to see it or hear it, but you believe it is there. The child’s response is to shrink in fear: “If I’m quiet enough and still … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Chatty Charlie Gets Busted and Parking Violator Finally Pays Up

Let this be a warning to all of you travelers who are obsessed with your cellphones: Airlines mean business when they tell you to shut up. It’s a lesson one Southwest Airlines passenger learned the hard way on Monday. For some reason 50-year-old Joe David Jones refused to get off his cellphone during a flight from Austin to Dallas and he’s now having to pay the price for it. According to police reports, Southwest flight attendants repeatedly asked Jones to hang up his cellphone while the plane was in mid-air, but he refused to comply. When the jet landed at … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Solve Our Sleeping Issues

Question: I have this problem with my one year old every night. I end up putting him in his crib and letting him cry for 5 to 10 minutes. After this I go in the room like I am the savior and pick him up. He has worn himself out so much from crying that he lays down on my chest and goes to sleep. There has to be a better way. Then his bed time is 10. I need to figure out a way to get him to become tired earlier and to help him go to sleep easier. … Continue reading

Quiet Destinations–Escaping the Holiday Chaos

Tomorrow is Black Friday. A time when shopping bags, elbows, expletives, and in some cases, even fists fly. If you are looking to escape from the midnight mall madness, the customer–driven craziness, and the all encompassing chaos that accompanies the official kick-off to the holiday shopping season then consider traveling to northwest Missouri. That’s where you’ll find Conception Abbey, one of several Roman Catholic Benedictine monasteries around the world that are open to groups and individuals looking for a safe haven to reflect, pray, meditate or simply escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life (especially during the Christmas … Continue reading

The Quest For Peace and Quiet

How many times has your family vacation been interrupted by the incessant ringing of your cellphone? What about that weekend trip that was meant to be alone time for you and your spouse… how many times was the peace and quiet shattered by an alert from your husband’s BlackBerry or cellphone? If you answered “many,” then you are clearly not vacationing in the right place. Believe it or not, there are places you can vacation that don’t allow you to reach out and touch anyone with a wireless device. Take for example, California’s Death Valley. Seriously, the place is 3,000 … Continue reading

Listening to Your Inner Voice and Trusting Your Instincts

If you’re anything like me, there is a great cacophony of voices telling you what you should be doing, what you’re not doing correctly, how you’re not measuring up to anyone and everyone and maybe even asking you all those “why are you doing things that way?” questions. We’re raised in a world of external judgment and external validation. That can make it pretty tough to hear our own inner voice, and even harder to trust our own instincts! I think running a home-based business really demands that we learn to trust our own instincts. We don’t really have bosses … Continue reading

New Face of Islam — Blogger Intro

Muslim. What image came to mind when you read that word? Did you picture an elderly Arab man with full beard and a turban? Did you think of a heavily veiled woman, walking three feet behind her tyrannical husband? Did you picture a wild-eyed young man, bombs strapped to his body? If so, you are not alone. That is how many Americans picture Muslims. [h]Who are Muslims?[/h] Would it surprise you to learn that only 20 percent of the world’s Muslims are Arabs? Muslims live on every continent in the world, in every country of the world, and in every … Continue reading

Do You Employ High-Tech Sitters?

What do you use to keep your children occupied while waiting for your food at a restaurant, driving to grandma’s house or zipping through the aisles at the grocery store? I doubt the answer is dancing, unless you’re doing it on a video that you posted to YouTube and can be viewed on your kid’s favorite electronic device. Don’t worry; you aren’t alone. According to a recent survey, nearly 60% of parents admit to using a tech toy to entertain their children, and experts predict that number will likely rise in the next decade. In other words, iPads, handheld video … Continue reading

Simply Human

I am not a perfect mother. I am constantly making mistakes, some bigger than others. I have been known to lose my temper from time to time; I often cry tears of frustration when I can’t get my three year old to listen to me; and when I’m overwhelmed and tired, which happens to be most of the time, my patience wears thin. I often feel inadequate as a mother. When I say this to people, they usually look at me like I’m crazy. I put up a pretty good front, but there are days when I just don’t feel … Continue reading

What is the Perfect Age To Stay Alone?

How old is old enough? How young is too young? How do you decide? When you are a single mother one of the biggest financial outlays comes from daycare. Depending on the age of your child, number of children and where you live, daycare can be your biggest monthly expense. Most of us will happily pay the money for the peace of mind of knowing our child is safe while we work. Every day we make decisions, starting as soon as they are born, taking a quick shower while the baby naps is ok but is running to the basement … Continue reading