The Rising Cost of Commuting

Did you know Americans spend more than 100 hours a year commuting to work? If you spend countless hours in your vehicle driving to and from work each day then you know the affects a long commute can have on your wallet. Those hours on the road burn up time and money. And with the current state of our economy making headlines everyday many companies throughout the country are being forced to address the challenges associated with commuting. A new survey just released found that 57% of companies in the United States are now offering at least one program designed … Continue reading

Travel Tales: How Not to Cut Down on Your Gas Bill

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And in some cases illegal action. With the price of gas skyrocketing to record levels it’s no surprise that some people are resorting to some unconventional means to gas up. Just ask police in Hermitage, Pennsylvania who say they may have finally figured out how mass quantities of diesel fuel have been lifted from local gas stations. According to authorities, the perpetrators allegedly employed a specially equipped pickup truck trailer with a trap door and a vacuum hose. Police say no one has been charged for the crime yet, but the truck and trailer … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies: Gas and Giggles

Yesterday my best friend called from Hawaii to inform me that a gallon of regular unleaded gas has now reached $4.50 in our hometown (that, and her son broke his arm at a local playground). The record breaking price of fuel is no laughing matter for families who live on a fixed income, but what might get a few giggles is the way some folks have been dealing with the financial burden. For example, in Arlington, Washington, staff members at a local dental office are switching from four wheels to four legs to save money on gas. According to reports, … Continue reading