Tolls Taking a Toll on Travelers

Nothing gets a traveler hot under the collar faster than having to spend extra money on tolls.  If paying for gas, hotel rooms and meals weren’t enough, several states have increased the amount of cash they are requiring road warriors to fork over for the privilege of driving on their asphalt. The expansion of the electronic toll system allows locals and visitors alike to speed through the express lanes without having to shell out cash each time.  Rather, drivers can pre-purchase toll devices and use them on highways, bridges and tunnels, from California to Maine. The largest toll program is … Continue reading

The Pet-Friendly Travel Planning Website

The time for summer travel may be over, but we’re still having gorgeous weather in many parts of the country. That means it’s a good time to get in those fall road trips. Think of it: windows down, hair whipping in the wind, your dog’s tongue lolling out the window. You may want to go on a road trip, but you don’t want to leave your beloved pet behind. Never fear: there’s a website for you that’s here to help. It’s called Pet Friendly ( This comprehensive site has everything you need to plan a trip with your pet. If … Continue reading

Six Critical Skills for Frugal and Eco-Friendly Kids

These are frugal times, and these are times when environmental consciousness is rising. How can you prepare your kids to live as adults when times are more frugal and much more ecologically conscious? This generation of parents has lost a lot of the skills that our grandparents had. I know I have, and I’m trying to regain them. Here are six ways that you can help your children become frugal adults. By modeling these skills and allowing your kids to help, you’ll give them great know-how for the future. Preparing Food Prepared food is something that is easy for kids … Continue reading

A Breastfeeding Story – Part 2

When I became pregnant with my second son, Blake, I knew that I planned to breastfeed him after he was born. After my experience with breastfeeding Dylan, I knew that there could be some bumps in the road as we began our breastfeeding relationship. Shortly before Blake was born, I developed preeclampsia. I knew that I would have to be on the same medications during labor and delivery that I had been on when Dylan was born. What I did not expect was that I would end up with a cesarean birth. When I was able to hold Blake, he … Continue reading

Road Trip Reminders

For some families taking a summer road trip is a seasonal rite of passage. It was when I was growing up. Interestingly, a new study by AAA reveals that due to budget constraints more people are planning to drive to their summer vacation destination this year rather than fly. However, there are risks involved when driving long distances. If you are planning to hit the highway on a summer adventure in the upcoming weeks, then consider these simple tips to help keep your family safe: PARKING Whether you drive a 2010 Lexus SUV or a 1999 Toyota minivan, you want … Continue reading

Summer Vacation from Hell

The next time you feel like complaining about how your summer vacation was marred by delayed flights, flat tires, crabby kids, and horrible hotels, consider the hell a Nevada mom endured while taking a camping trip with her 11-year-old son last week. What started off as an innocent overnight trip with her son and their dog to Death Valley National Park, quickly turned into the worst summer vacation in Alicia Sanchez’s life. The 28-year-old mom was just released from a Las Vegas hospital where she was being treated for severe dehydration. Now Sanchez must return home to bury her young … Continue reading

Frugalista fashions: Five Fashion Musts for Light Travel

If you are going on vacation, it pays to travel light. Firstly, you won’t need to pay the $15.00 luggage price plus $50 to $100 for a second bag. Second, you will be able to navigate your way through the airport faster. Finally, you won’t need to spend any time at the luggage carousel, which is one of the least enjoyable parts of any trip. Traveling light doesn’t must mean shoving every into one bag because you can also be penalized for having too heavy a bag. Furthermore, you don’t want a bag so heavy you can’t manipulate it. It’s … Continue reading

The Rising Cost of Commuting

Did you know Americans spend more than 100 hours a year commuting to work? If you spend countless hours in your vehicle driving to and from work each day then you know the affects a long commute can have on your wallet. Those hours on the road burn up time and money. And with the current state of our economy making headlines everyday many companies throughout the country are being forced to address the challenges associated with commuting. A new survey just released found that 57% of companies in the United States are now offering at least one program designed … Continue reading

Travel Tales: How Not to Cut Down on Your Gas Bill

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And in some cases illegal action. With the price of gas skyrocketing to record levels it’s no surprise that some people are resorting to some unconventional means to gas up. Just ask police in Hermitage, Pennsylvania who say they may have finally figured out how mass quantities of diesel fuel have been lifted from local gas stations. According to authorities, the perpetrators allegedly employed a specially equipped pickup truck trailer with a trap door and a vacuum hose. Police say no one has been charged for the crime yet, but the truck and trailer … Continue reading

Are Travel Clubs Really Money Savers?

With the price of airfare skyrocketing to new highs it’s no wonder travel clubs are attracting more interest than ever before. Commercials and print ads for travel clubs offering, “super deals and deep discounts” are virtually everywhere. The advertisements promise huge savings on everything from airfare and cruises to rental cars and hotel accommodations. If you are a cash strapped traveler who has always dreamed of taking a Caribbean cruise or a fantasy flight to Paris, then one of these flashy ads or mailings (typically in the form of a postcard) may have caught your attention—-especially the ones that promise … Continue reading