What do you look for in a Hotel?

Do you insist on getting complimentary breakfast or would you give up the free bagel for free in-room wireless Internet access? If you rather stay at a hotel that gives out complimentary waffles and OJ in the morning you might have to look a bit harder these days, according to a recent survey of 10,000 hotels conducted for the American Hotel & Lodging Association. The study also found this irony: the more you pay for your room, the less likely you are to get free Wi-Fi. Wireless Internet access is being offered by 91% of hotels, up 35% from four … Continue reading

Hotels Going the Extra Mile

Personally, I don’t ever have a problem falling asleep-—no matter what time zone I am in. However, some travelers (especially those who have no hint of narcolepsy) struggle with falling asleep especially when they are in foreign lands. Hoteliers are well aware of this problem and some are now coming to the aid of their guests by offering unique sleep services. Take for example Hyatt’s new Andaz Liverpool Street location in London. For the next two weeks the lodging will host the world’s first “Hotel Reader in Residence.” Need a bedtime story to lull you to sleep? Writer Damian Barr … Continue reading

New Religious Offerings in Hotel Rooms

I first heard about this latest travel tidbit from the ladies on ABC’s chatfest “The View” a few weeks ago. But as usual their squawking made it nearly impossible to decipher what the real issue behind hotels offering more than just the Gideon Bible for guests to choose from was all about so I decided to do some research on my own. For those of you just getting up to speed on this “Hot Topic,” the Provenance Hotel chain (they run boutique properties in Oregon, Washington, and Tennessee) recently started offering a “spiritual menu” to its guests that goes beyond … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Disney Delivers

The other day I wrote about the incredible service some lodgings around the world offer their guests. Recently, a hotel staffer in Washington, D.C. went above and beyond the call of duty to help a beleaguered guest retrieve his lost laptop from a city cab. And if you thought that story was incredible then you will truly appreciate what employees at a Disney resort recently did for guests there. Two weeks ago a couple from Massachusetts checked into Disney’s Wilderness Lodge resort in Florida. They and their two children had a magical time during their stay and were sad to … Continue reading