Hello Hiking!

Today kicks off National Park Week; time to lace up those boots, head outside, and reintroduce yourself to fresh air and sunshine. Hiking is also a great way to work off some of those unwanted pounds you may have packed on during your winter hibernation. What’s more, you can do so without breaking the bank as National Park Week yields free admission to more than 100 parks which typically change a fee to get in. If you are looking for the perfect spot to get your springtime hike on, consider the following: The Appalachian Trail: Known as the granddaddy of … Continue reading

More Tips for Hiking with a Baby

Now that you know how critical it is to plan ahead before embarking on a trip to the wilderness with your baby it’s time to discuss other tips to make your trek memorable. First of all, if you are planning to hike in any one of our country’s awe-inspiring National Parks you should know that there are rules that prohibit the disposal of human waste within 100 feet of a water source or camp site, or within sight of a trail. The National Park Service has also adopted principles from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics, which recommend … Continue reading

Tips for Hiking with a Baby

Going on a hike with a 7-year-old is far different than loading up a 7-month-old and hitting the trails. Still, what some would consider a daunting task (and others would call crazy) should not deter you from enjoying the great outdoors with your bundle of joy. The key is preparation. With a little planning and a lot of thought your day in the woods can become a cherished memory. Be Prepared You don’t have to be a Boy Scout to know how vital it is to plan ahead and expect the unexpected. When packing for your trip include the must-haves … Continue reading

Hiking the Himalayas

If you are a die-hard hiker who is looking to kick up your next adventure a notch then you might consider the following trips. Several tour groups are offering package deals designed specifically for nature lovers who enjoy taking the road less traveled. If you are an outdoorsy type who loves to get your adrenaline going these land-only trips are perfect for you… and your wallet. PERU The South American country of Peru is home to one of the world’s most amazing ancient cities, the legendary Machu Picchu, and the famous Inca Trail, which leads hikers to the top of … Continue reading

How to Lose Weight on Vacation

How many times have you gone on vacation and returned home toting more than just your bags? For many Americans, it is a rite of passage to pack on a few pounds during a fun-filled trip. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s a new trend in travel that turns the table on seasonal getaways and weight gain. Exer-cations are a hot ticket for people looking to stay fit or even shed a few pounds while they are away from home. Fortunately, you don’t have to travel too far to take advantage of these package deals. For example, … Continue reading

Park It

Spring is the perfect time to become one with nature. After a long winter battling cabin fever, now is your chance to bond with family and friends in the great outdoors. The United States is teeming with picturesque parks that make for amazing vacation destinations, including: Shenandoah National Park Located in Virginia, Shenandoah National Park features uncompromising beauty that will take your breath away. Set within one of the country’s most famous natural playgrounds, the Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah National Park offers a plethora of family-friendly activities, including hiking, biking, fishing and camping. The park is especially noted for its … Continue reading

Outdoor Spring Adventures

Contrary to popular belief, the beach and the slopes are not the only places that attract spring breakers. If you are looking for a peaceful retreat that allows you to soak up all the splendors of the great outdoors, then consider taking part in a spring adventure that you won’t soon forget: hiking. The United States is home to thousands of miles of pristine hiking trails, including: YOSEMITE More than 3.5 million people from around the world travel to Yosemite National Park each year. The national treasure is home to some of the planet’s most stunning waterfalls, all accessible by … Continue reading

Tibetan Monks Touch Home Soil

China took over control of Tibet in 1950. However, the area was still recognized as autonomous with the 14th Dalai Lama in control. But, everything wasn’t hunky dory and that government fled the area during the 1959 Tibetan Rebellion for fear of the Dalai Lama’s life. After that, negotiations between the Chinese and Tibetans continued to deteriorate and eventually, China saw Tibet as a rival government in exile, so they took over. The Central Tibetan Administration views China’s governing of the region as illegitimate military occupation. Since then, the Dalai Lama has asked that, with many Tibetans in exile, that … Continue reading

Records Set at Everest this Week

Saturday was a record breaking day for some climbers on Mount Everest. Apa Sherpa reached the summit, which is 29,035 feet above sea level, for the 20th time, more than any other human. Known as “Super Sherpa,” Apa first summitted on May 10, 1990. This 20th summit was part of the Eco Everest Expedition. Apa Sherpa carried a WWP banner that read “You heard our voice, now raise yours – We can stop climate change in the Himalayas.” Apa and the climbers also hoped to bring trash off the mountain, in memory of Sir Edmund Hillary. Climbers leaving trash behind … Continue reading

Updating Your Exercise Routine

You’d never know it by looking out my living room window, but according to the calendar, spring is on its way. For may fitness buffs, this means switching up the ol’ exercise routine and adding more outdoor calorie-burning activities. When the weather warms up I surf the Internet and plan hiking adventures. Backpacker magazine has an extremely user-friendly Find-A-Hike option that provides incredibly detailed maps. If you are looking for cool places to explore nature with your entire family, you’ll find this tool indispensable. The Find-A-Hike electronic helper allows you to simply scroll across any U.S. state and find detailed … Continue reading