Help For Drivers With Traffic Tickets

You were late for an appointment, gunned it down the highway, Smokey clocked you going 30 miles over the posted speed limit and wouldn’t let you off with just a warning… now what do you do? You could opt to pay the ticket, have points assessed to your record and take the hit to your insurance policy…OR you could hire a traffic attorney. In a previous blog I reviewed other options you could consider to get out of a traffic ticket, but neglected to cover the services a traffic attorney can provide. I know what you’re thinking: Traffic attorney = … Continue reading

Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions and Save on Insurance

What was your New Year’s resolution for 2013? The popular ones include losing weight, quitting smoking, and saving money. You might be struggling to keep that promise to yourself right now. Hang in there! Keeping some types of New Year’s Resolutions could save you some money on your insurance premiums. No matter what your insurance premiums cost, you probably would be happy if they were lower. This is true for auto insurance, life insurance, and health insurance. Fortunately, there might be a few ways to convince your insurer that they should lower your rate, or, at the very least, not … Continue reading

Which States are the Speediest?

How fast do you drive? Do you think the other drivers in your state are “speeders”? compiled a list of the states where drivers receive the most traffic tickets for speeding. Do you live in one of those states? It happens every day. Some idiot flies down the road and nearly causes an accident. People who are in a hurry tend to forget that there are some very bad things that can happen when drivers choose to drive faster than the speed limit. The later you are for work, the more tempted you might be to ignore the safety … Continue reading

Good News is Green News

I don’t know about you, but I am fed up with the news lately. A zombie apocalypse, child molesters, hate crimes – I just cannot take anymore! Every day when I check the news (yes, I am a glutton for punishment!), it seems most of the headlines are bad. But, every once in a while, I find some good news. To me, at least in the case of these items, good news is green news. It is stories about people helping out people without wanting any fame or glory for it. Today, I read that an anonymous casino owner just … Continue reading

Speeding in Ireland

I would guess that it would be hard to catch a break from a judge who is hearing a case involving allegations that you were driving 112 mph in a 62 mph zone. Then again I have never been caught speeding in Ireland. Apparently, your chances of getting off the hook there are pretty good. As least if you believe David Clarke. According to police reports the 31-year-old motorist was caught flying down an Dublin road a few weeks ago at speeds in excessive of 180 kilometers per hour (roughly 110 mph) in a 100 kph zone (62 mph). When … Continue reading

You Got A Speeding Ticket… Now What Are You Going To Do?

The siren was on, the lights were flashing—you got pulled over for speeding and no amount of tears, feigned ignorance, or limited English could get you out of the ticket… now what do you do? Hang on to your wallet, there are ways you may be able to avoid paying the ticket, and perhaps, more importantly, clear it from your record. Traffic School You typically have to arrange the outcome of these daylong programs ahead of time. For instance, in most cases, you’ll have to pay for the ticket, but if you complete the class you won’t have to worry … Continue reading