More Ways to Save Money on Your Summer Vacation

In my previous blog I told you about a new series I’m starting called “Saving Money on Your Summer Vacation.” With the economy faltering some families are considering giving up their annual family vacations in order to spare the household’s bottom line. However, as you saw in my last blog with a little planning there are ways you can explore the nation’s top tourist spots without going bankrupt in the process. This week I am turning the spotlight on San Diego. Now that you know what attractions you can get into for free here’s a list of some of the … Continue reading

Grab Your Kites!

Do you know where your kids’ kites are? April is National Kite Month and one of my family’s most favorite times of the year. (Now, if we could only get the snow to melt and the temperatures to rise above freezing we’d really be in business.) Spring is one of the best times to get out and let your kite carve through the crisp April air. And while you don’t have to travel any farther than your own backyard (if it is large enough) to set your kite soaring there are some places around the country that kite-flying experts consider … Continue reading

Snapping Frameworthy Shots Of Your Kids

We have been experiencing record high temperatures in our neck of the woods. Last week we were back in the 80s—-that’s 20 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. Naturally, this led to all kinds of excitement around our home. My daughter and I spent the majority of the week outdoors. We grabbed our kites and headed to the park where I was able to capture more “summertime” magic on film. I love taking shot of my daughter at play, especially when she’s outdoors. Believe me; it’s much easier trying to get candid shots of 3-year-olds when they … Continue reading

High-Flying Fun

If you are looking for an easy and affordable way to keep your kids busy this summer, grab a kite and head outdoors.  Kite-flying is a breeze when you’ve got the entire family working together to bring your colorful flying machine to life.  Getting a kite to take flight also lends itself to a slew of educational opportunities.  Kids can get hands-on lessons in math, science, history and geography all while having fun.  What’s more, there’s something to be said about the sense of pride a child feels when she gets a kite to dance across the summer sky. Fortunately, … Continue reading

Whatever Wanda Wanted – Jude Wisdom

In “Whatever Wanda Wanted,” we learn the sad truth of what can happen when a child is overindulged. Wanda’s parents were both very busy people, and so from the moment she was born, they decided that whatever she wanted, they would get it for her. Life is too short to say no or to compromise. From the tiniest quirk of her little finger to the angriest bellows of her cries, Wanda the baby got her way every minute, and so did Wanda the toddler. By the time Wanda entered school, she was a regular menace, and she wasn’t very nice … Continue reading