Female-Friendly Car Dealerships

Did you know some car dealerships are now sending their male employees to seminars to teach them how to deal with female buyers? How do I know this? A friend I went to college with is married to a car salesman and they are in the area this week while he attends one of these classes. Perhaps, it’s not as strange as I make it out to be. After all, as a woman, I certainly would never dream of venturing to a car lot without a male companion (be it a husband, father, brother or uncle). In fact, come to … Continue reading

Move Over, Batmobile!

My dog Miko loved my old station wagon. It was a Ford Country Squire LTD — a huge island of car with wood paneling, pleather bench seating and lots of windows. Miko would stand on the armrests and stick his head out the open window and “surf” while I drove. The station wagon I have now (a Hyundai Elantra wagon) is somewhat smaller, but still has plenty of room for Moose and Lally to ride along. Moose often sprawls out on the back seat while Lally hops over the seat into the back of the car and makes a nest … Continue reading