Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian – A Great Sequel!

I was among the moviegoers that saw Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian on Memorial Day, its opening weekend. I usually don’t like sequels, but made an exception to see this one since my four year old son had been asking since seeing the “Fire Powa” commercial. Will loved the first one, so I figured he would like this one and I was right. This sequel follows former museum night watchman Larry Daley (Ben Stiller). The reason he is a former night watchman is his invention business has taken off. However, his “friends” at the museum need him. … Continue reading

Zoo-rific Summer Travel Ideas

What a zoo! Life can get pretty chaotic, especially if you are juggling kids, a house, pets and a paying job. But with summer just around the corner, why not consider taking a break from your personal zoo to visit some of the best animal facilities in the country. A number of top-rated zoos are featuring special exhibits this summer—-everything from Mammoths to Micronesian kingfishers. If you are looking for super summer fun without having to travel abroad, then check out what’s new at the following zoos: MINNESOTA The Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley is debuting a $1 million, nature-based … Continue reading

Remembering Cher Ami and Other Veteran Carrier Pigeons

When Wayne and I took a trip to Washington, D.C. last year, I was blown away. I’d never been there before and didn’t really know what to expect. I sure wasn’t expecting to become so smitten with the place. It captured my heart and still has yet to let go. (I’m thinking it probably never will. I absolutely loved my visit there.) The museums were all incredible. And something I thought was really neat was how I found a story about an animal detailed in almost all of them. Animals Make Up Our History, Too Like when we were in … Continue reading

Family Travel: Cheap Thrills in Washington, D.C.

Who says you have to mortgage your home to pay for a family vacation? With the skyrocketing price of gas and the exorbitant cost of airfare most families would agree that taking a trip these days requires some major financial wrangling. However, there are ways you can make the most of a family getaway—-no matter how cash strapped you may be–if you look in the right places. For example, Washington, D.C. is loaded with free and cheap attractions that will appeal to everyone in your clan. Many of the area’s museums, monuments and other star attractions are run by the … Continue reading