Bucket List For Parents

As I may have whined about a time or two on here, my daughter is getting ready to move into her own place. I’m not ready, there are still so many things I want to do, so much that I’m sure I missed, I want to go back and have a do over. Our kids grow up so quickly one day you are elbow deep in diapers and the next they are in kindergarten and before you know they’ve graduated and are getting on with their lives. Well, it may be too late for me to do that but it’s … Continue reading

How Not to Travel with Kids This Christmas

I’ve had my share of travel nightmares flying back and forth from Chicago to Hawaii with my daughter. While our mishaps make for funny blogs, I would prefer experiencing incident-free trips. Then again, even the shortest vacations with children can lead to high drama, which is why most parents spend countless hours researching and planning the best ways to avoid meltdowns while on the road or in the air. Believe me; you can not over-prepare when it comes traveling with kids. It’s a lesson parents from North Carolina learned the hard way this week. When Jason and Kathy Fickes of … Continue reading

Soccer Mom Mistakes

I never dreamed of becoming a soccer mom. Yet, here I am prepping for yet another summer of nursing my kid’s scraped knees and bruised ego. The latter is inevitable when she doesn’t get to kick the winning goal or she gets the ball stripped by a member of the opposing team. She’s six. These things happen from time to time. Just as my daughter trips up every once in a while during a hotly contested match-up, this soccer mom makes a few flubs too. For example, I recently got schooled by my kid’s pediatrician after unabashedly admitting that I … Continue reading

Fantasyland Expansion in Progress

Recently Disney announced the largest expansion of Walt Disney World’s Fantasyland in the history of the Magic Kingdom. The new Fantasyland is expected to open in 2012, over 40 years after the debut of Disney World in Orlando. Included in the expansion is a realm for many of the famous Disney Princesses: Ariel, Belle, Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), and Cinderella. I know that I’ve been down on the Disney Princess theme recently, but I do love the characters and the fantasy they imbue. If ever there were an appropriate time and place for reveling in fairy tales, Disney World is it. … Continue reading

Frugal Living Month in Review: June 2008

What a happy month is June, filled with the renewal of spring and the promise of summer. In the last month, we have shared so many ideas for frugal living and saving money. This past month has seen some pretty big increases in food, gas and other items (look for an upcoming post about strawberries increasing more than 100 percent). Now more than ever, it is important to save money where we can. This is why I decided to do a month in review. June 2nd Frugal Living Review: May 26th Through June 1st Garage sale shopping has got to … Continue reading

More Dream Trips for Kids

If you have a Harry Potter fan in your home and haven’t solidified your summer travel plans—–stop what you are doing. I just found the ultimate getaway for kids (and their parents) who are fascinated with the boy wizard. Never mind about Universal Orlando Resort’s new Harry Potter theme park that I detailed in a previous blog. “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter” is not scheduled to open at Universal’s Islands of Adventure theme park until late next. In the meantime why not embark on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the places that inspired the Potter series? The seven-night trip takes … Continue reading

Dream Trips for Kids (and Their Parents)

My 3-year-old knows exactly what she plans to be when she grows up: absolutely, positively, without a shred of doubt she plans to dedicate her life to helping animals as a veterinarian. (Her 44-year-old uncle, on the other hand, is still “researching” his career options.) My daughter’s love for all things four-legged and furry (or scaly and slithery) is what led me to this incredible travel find. She might not meet the age criteria just yet, but when she does this trip will no doubt be put on the top of our vacation destination list. The other travel package I’ve … Continue reading