Safety is a Good Choice for Your Health

For a large portion of the year, it’s dark when I drive to work at the cats-only boarding facility. I usually take a back road, rather than the highway — less traffic, nice scenery, a better ride all around. This particular road has very little in the way of shoulders — and no sidewalks — for bikers and walkers. Two mornings in a row, I’ve encountered someone who didn’t take safety seriously. One was on a bike, riding down the middle of the road. Thankfully, I saw the bike’s reflectors and knew something was in my path… but didn’t make … Continue reading

Do You Brake (Or Veer) For Bicyclists?

In the past I have written blogs about the importance of wearing a bike helmet, but prior to yesterday I never thought about how I reacted when driving by bicyclists who were not wearing helmets. Perhaps, I shook my head in disgust or let out a sigh, or perhaps, even hoped that they wouldn’t get into an accident. But, I never took into account what I did behind the wheel. Well, not until yesterday. Yesterday I read an interesting report done by a Bristish professor who was run over twice by vehicles while he conducted a study on bicycle safety. … Continue reading

New York City–A Biker’s Paradise?

New York City… honored for bike friendliness? I thought I had heard wrong, or perhaps, the guy on the news had made an error. However, upon further viewing I realized that someone (actually, an entire group of legitimate someones) really believes that the concrete jungle with its convey of yelling yellow cab drivers, take no prisoner pedestrians, and hordes of hassled truck drivers is a premiere place to travel on two wheels. Believe it or not, the League of American Bicyclists just awarded New York City a medal for bike friendliness. Okay, it’s a bronze medal, but considering it ranked … Continue reading

Back-To-School Road Rules

Today our 5-year-old neighbor completed his first day of school. He’s been waiting for this day since the middle of summer. Each day since his mom bought him his new backpack (more than two weeks ago) he has come over to remind my 3-year-old daughter that he is “going to school to make a lot of new friends.” So today when I saw him standing outside posing for pictures by his mailbox wearing his brand new backpack I couldn’t resist grabbing my daughter and walking over to wish him well on his big day. Turns out we ended up walking … Continue reading

Concussions And Kids

One of the biggest fear any parent faces when leaving their child in someone else care (day care provider, family member, friend, etc.) is the risk their “baby” will get hurt while they are gone. Unfortunately, I was recently faced with just such a scenario. My 3-year-old daughter was spending the day with a family member and returned with a HUGE bruise and laceration on her forehead. The cut sat in the center of a large bruise, which was located smack in the middle of her eyebrows. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Apparently, my daughter slipped … Continue reading

Get Biking

We all know May is the month we celebrate our dear mothers and recognize the sacrifice made by our military service men and women. But, did you know that the month of May is also the time of the year when the nation commemorates the bicycle? Yes, May is National Bike Month—and there is no better time to get your family out on two wheels to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The country is filled with top-rate bike trails just waiting for you to make tracks on them. Here are a few of that consistently rank as the most popular … Continue reading