How Breaking Your Budget is Bad for Your Health

Here is another reason to stay on your budget. Breaking it can actually be bad for your health. Agonizing about how you are going to afford a new purchase can stay with you, even after you solve the problem. Researchers now say that our brains don’t like being in debt. Having fears about money affect our health long term. Whether we realize it or not, debt causes stress, and stress causes poor health. Stress and pain seem to register much more strongly than does pleasure. So, the next time you feel ready to break your budget, keep this in mind. … Continue reading

The Family That Vacations Together…

According to a national survey, more than 500 million camping trips are taken during the summer months. That’s breaks down to roughly 15 percent of the U.S. population–or a whole lot of families– looking to spend at least part of their time off from school and work bonding in nature. The Outdoor Foundation survey also revealed that the younger a child is exposed to camping, the more likely he or she will be to embrace the idea of sleeping under the stars in a tent. Nearly half of those polled said they first went camping when they were 7 years … Continue reading

The Downside of Ski Vacations

Two words: Luggage fees. My brother just took off for a 10-day ski vacation with his wife and son, but yesterday I got a call from him saying it may be the last one they take—-EVER! Apparently, the amount of money they spent on airline luggage fees was almost as much as a roundtrip ticket. Admittedly, my brother is not the world’s savviest packer, but considering that they planned to rent most of their ski equipment, it was quite a shock that they spent in excess of $150 on luggage fees. I won’t bore you with the breakdown of their … Continue reading

Giving Yourself Holiday Recovery Time

I have the unfortunate habit of getting sick over the holidays. It’s almost like my body knows that there are a few days off in my future, and saves up the sickness for those days so I don’t miss whatever important things are going on before and afterwards. On the positive side, it does kind of ensure that I use my holiday time for resting and taking good care of myself. Holidays (and vacations) can be wonderful and fun… but they can also be hectic and stressful. Travel can be full of worries, anxiety, and questions: will you make that … Continue reading

Simple Tips for Taking Super Summer Shots

Summer is a busy time of the year for shutterbugs. Between graduations, Father’s Day, weddings and vacations, snap happy photographers give their cameras quite a workout. If you are planning to document your family’s adventures in the sun with a digital or traditional film camera, consider the following tips to ensure that your shots are frame worthy: BACKDROP The beach makes for a dramatic backdrop, especially when it’s filled with people. However, all that activity can also be distracting. If you are taking a photo of your son digging in the sand, be sure you keep your focus on him … Continue reading

Travel Deals to Europe (Minus the Worries Related to the Weak State of the Dollar)

I’ve discussed the weak state of the U.S. dollar (against the euro) in several previous blogs and if any (or all) of them has deterred you from traveling abroad, perhaps this posting will change that. The good news is that there are many ways to stretch your dollar in Europe–as long as you know where to go. A number of countries have yet to enter the European Union or adopt its currency, and you might be surprised at just how affordable they are, even after the exchange rate. So, if you are looking to save some dough on your next … Continue reading

Why Are You Not On Vacation?

I use to work with a gal who would carry over vacation days from one year to the next, year after year after year. She accrued months of vacation time. I can’t remember the exact amount of hours she collected, but it was some ridiculous number. Then, one day in late September, the TV station we worked at was bought by another company and the new owners instituted a use it or lose it vacation policy. Long story short, my colleague had until the end of December to use up the vacation accrued during her tenure with the former owners … Continue reading

Do You Avoid Taking Vacations?

Have you ever avoided taking a vacation because you didn’t want to hassle with the planning? Do you regularly avoid taking a vacation because you figure it’s simply not worth the effort? If you answered yes, you are far from alone. According to a new study, more and more Americans are eschewing traditional vacations and working down time into their everyday lives. Frankly, the study results shocked me. I love taking vacations. In fact, when I worked outside the home I regularly counted the days until the start of my vacations. I couldn’t wait to take a break from the … Continue reading

Tips when Visiting Your Summer Home or Taking Extended Vacations

When traveling for extended periods of time or going away to a seasonal home, such as your summer home, for a few weeks or even a few months, you may wonder what to do about special concerns such as mail, other deliveries, maintenance, and security. When it comes to mail, you can simply put a stop on your mail delivery and rent a box to store your mail if you have someone available to check it for you from time to time. If you don’t have assistance from someone at home, you can rent a mailbox from a service such … Continue reading

Are You Ready For a Break?

It is mid January where many of us run to warmer climates, drink cocktails and take a breather for awhile. Have you had a break lately? Even home-based professionals need a breather. The key to a really relaxing and stress-free break is planning ahead. 1). Notify business partners and team members. Start by making an announcement via e-mail and make sure you change your e-mail account to “auto-reply”. That way, even your customers and team members who don’t regularly check messages will understand that you simply aren’t avoiding them. 2). Notify your customers. Do you have customers that you communicate … Continue reading