Cracking the Code

Have you ever wondered what the single-letter code on the bottom of your airplane boarding pass represents? Most people could care less about any information on their tickets, save for the flight number, gate number and boarding time. However, there’s a lot to be learned by paying attention to your fare basis code. The single-letter code is typically found alone on the bottom right hand corner of your ticket. However, it can also be shown as the first letter of a longer code with a mix of other letters and numbers. If you see it, don’t ignore it. The code … Continue reading

Cracking Down on Carry-Ons

Weeks ago when American Airlines announced it would be charging passengers $15 to check in their first piece of luggage (and $25 for the second bag) every travel analyst in the country echoed the same comment: Beware of an impending crack down on carry ons. Sure enough a few days ago American Airlines announced it will be clamping down on the size of carry-ons (and you can bet other carriers will follow suit in a timely manner). American is the first airline to issue a statement regarding carry-ons. According to an American spokesperson, the airline usually adds extra staff during … Continue reading

Cracking Down On Baggy Pants

In previous blogs I’ve made fun of the baggy pants trend. Not that I find humor in seeing a stranger’s underwear, but in some cases baggy pants offenders learn their lessons the hard way and it’s hard not to crack smile. Okay, puns aside. The issue of baggy pants is serious business in places like Atlanta, Georgia where lawmakers want to put an end to the fashion trend made popular by teens. If city leaders get their way, baggy pants that reveal boxer shorts or thongs would be illegal under a proposed amendment to Atlanta’s indecency laws. The amendment states … Continue reading

The Secret Code That Gets You Screened

I’ve wondered, while standing in the airport security check line, what makes them single out a person for a thorough screening. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem to make sense — the harried mom, or the hurried businessperson, or the cute, youngish woman flying alone (that’d be me) gets pulled out of line and searched. It happened to me on a flight from Newark, NJ to Cincinnati, Ohio. I got pulled out of line and had to wait — feeling nervous and awkward — while the security folks pawed through my bag and went over me with that wand thing. At first, … Continue reading

Secret Codes and Spies

Kids love to play spy. My boys drool over all the fancy spy toys at the store. Those toys are fun, but you don’t need special toys to be a spy. Spies do need undercover disguises though. Dig through the dress-up box. They might also like some sunglasses, a flashlight, and one of Dad’s hats. And spies need secret codes for their messages. (Don’t tell them that they are reading and writing, and using logical thinking skills.) You should tell them that coding and decoding messages is a science called cryptology. One of the simplest codes is to write words … Continue reading

Have a Merry Minted Christmas

I don’t drink, but walking into Target or Wal-Mart right now makes me want to run home and pour myself a boot of something stronger than beer. Tis the season for breakouts and breakdowns. Seriously. Have you been to the mall recently? Retailers have dumped their Halloween costumes and candy; bypassed Thanksgiving paraphernalia; and are shoving Santa down customers’ collective throats. Fa-la-la-la. We’re not even 85 hours into November and I already feel my inner Christmas Grinch bubbling up from the bowels of my being. How can I feel so behind on Christmas preparations when I still have buckets of … Continue reading

Evaluate Your Debt Situation

Is debt one of your four letter words? Do you use credit entirely to your advantage instead of letting it control you? My parents taught me to save for what I wanted and buy with cash. My parents taught me that credit cards were useful tools and shouldn’t be used beyond what could be paid off each month. Credit cards are awesome things. You can gain so much from responsible credit card use. You can earn airline miles. You can earn points to buy items. You can earn a percentage of your balance so you end up paying off less … Continue reading

Do You Have a Mommy Uniform?

What do you wear to drop off your kids at school in the morning? Is it the same outfit you wear to the supermarket, the pet store or the gas station? I tend to dress in the same outfit to do all of the aforementioned tasks—-jeans or khakis with a plain button-down shirt or sweater. My wardrobe is simple, easy to clean, and yes, rather boring. However, at least it won’t get me banned from stores. In England, a couple of grocery stores are cracking down on moms who shop in slumpy, dumpy outfits that resemble nightwear. You know exactly … Continue reading

Computing News Roundup for October 3, 2007

Are people still angry about the iPhone price reduction? You bet; and they are taking action. Find out the details to this story and other in the computing news roundup for October 3, 2007. iPhone Anger In New York City, Donmei Li is suing Apple Inc. for its decision to reduce the price on the 8GB iPhone by $200 and to discontinue the 4GB iPhone. Li is seeking $1 million in damages, saying the price reduction injured her and others like her who cannot resell the iPhone for the same profit as those customers who bought the phone after the … Continue reading

Bulls and Cows – a logic game

Kids love to crack codes, and its fun to use our brains. Here’s an easy to learn code cracking game that some schools are using to teach logical thought processes. I’ve even seen questions based on this game on middle school tests. The game is called Cows and Bulls. It’s similar to Mastermind, but you don’t have to buy anything to play it. You can play on a white board, or just a piece of paper. You need at least two people, but you play on teams or play cooperatively. One player thinks of a four digit number without zeros. … Continue reading