Cellphones at 35,000 Feet

Does listening to folks yak incessantly on their cellphones in restaurants or on buses drive you mad? Well, consider how you would feel if Johnny Blabber was given the green light to talk all he wanted on his cellphone during a trans-Atlantic flight. It could happen…and sooner than you think. Earlier this week the European Union opened the way for air travelers to use cellphones to talk, text or send e-mails on planes flying throughout Europe’s airspace. According to travel experts, midair cellphone service may be available in a few months on some airlines for passengers using European GSM technology. … Continue reading

Cell Phone Rules for Teens

Some time ago, a Michelle, a families.com blogger asked, “Does Your Child Have a Cellphone”. While it was clearly something she wasn’t interested in, she estimated that 54 percent of 8-12 year old’s would have them in the next three years. I am not surprised. In fact my kids have had cell phones since they were 11. The reason for giving my kids cell phones was to keep track of them when they left the home. Back when I was a kid, my mother gave me change when I left the house so I could call her from a pay … Continue reading

Driven to Distraction: Behind the Wheel with a Preschooler

How many times have you had to use one hand to break up a fight in the backseat between your squabbling kids while using the other to maneuver your moving vehicle through traffic? You aren’t alone. According to a new study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, such multitasking is a prevalent problem on America’s roadways. In fact, the study is making headlines around the nation because part of its results were not fully disclosed—-namely the stats on kids being a major distraction in moving vehicles (especially if you are breastfeeding one while behind the wheel). Despite the … Continue reading

A Mother’s View from the Pool: Breastfeeding by the Water

It’s that time of the year again… time for a new season of “A Mother’s View from the Pool.” Last year I kvetched about kids wearing Crocs in the pool, babies wearing teeny-weeny bikinis, and parents, who use lifeguards as their personal babysitters, while they chat on their cellphones, read their rag mags, and work on their tans. This year we are fortunate not to have to make the daily drive to our local city pool. By a rare stroke of luck the fees we pay to live around here were actually used to fund something worthwhile (besides snow removal): … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits: Chatty Charlie Gets Busted and Parking Violator Finally Pays Up

Let this be a warning to all of you travelers who are obsessed with your cellphones: Airlines mean business when they tell you to shut up. It’s a lesson one Southwest Airlines passenger learned the hard way on Monday. For some reason 50-year-old Joe David Jones refused to get off his cellphone during a flight from Austin to Dallas and he’s now having to pay the price for it. According to police reports, Southwest flight attendants repeatedly asked Jones to hang up his cellphone while the plane was in mid-air, but he refused to comply. When the jet landed at … Continue reading