New York City–A Biker’s Paradise?

New York City… honored for bike friendliness? I thought I had heard wrong, or perhaps, the guy on the news had made an error. However, upon further viewing I realized that someone (actually, an entire group of legitimate someones) really believes that the concrete jungle with its convey of yelling yellow cab drivers, take no prisoner pedestrians, and hordes of hassled truck drivers is a premiere place to travel on two wheels. Believe it or not, the League of American Bicyclists just awarded New York City a medal for bike friendliness. Okay, it’s a bronze medal, but considering it ranked … Continue reading

Get Biking

We all know May is the month we celebrate our dear mothers and recognize the sacrifice made by our military service men and women. But, did you know that the month of May is also the time of the year when the nation commemorates the bicycle? Yes, May is National Bike Month—and there is no better time to get your family out on two wheels to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The country is filled with top-rate bike trails just waiting for you to make tracks on them. Here are a few of that consistently rank as the most popular … Continue reading

Do You Brake (Or Veer) For Bicyclists?

In the past I have written blogs about the importance of wearing a bike helmet, but prior to yesterday I never thought about how I reacted when driving by bicyclists who were not wearing helmets. Perhaps, I shook my head in disgust or let out a sigh, or perhaps, even hoped that they wouldn’t get into an accident. But, I never took into account what I did behind the wheel. Well, not until yesterday. Yesterday I read an interesting report done by a Bristish professor who was run over twice by vehicles while he conducted a study on bicycle safety. … Continue reading

Fitness Tips: Exercise Bike Routines

Do you have an exercise bike or do you like riding on them at the gym? Maybe you’re a bit bored with the regular routine, so here are some tips to help you jazz up your exercise bike routine. Pick up Bike DVD Programs that let you ride along the cliffs of Dover or through the vineyards in California – these can really help get you in the mood Record a Lance Armstrong bike marathon – nothing like competing with the best to get you motivated and pushing your own limits Meditation CDs or MP3s – this may sound odd, … Continue reading

Biking—An Alternative Mode of Transportation

Unless you are as financially sound as Bill Gates or Oprah then you have likely been trying to find ways to save money on gas. In our town, the price for a gallon of unleaded gas is currently $3.15. YIKES! YIKES… is also what I exclaimed yesterday when I saw my neighbor biking home from work in temperatures that exceeded 100 degrees. Joe (my neighbor) has been trying to save money by biking to and from his office located about 4 miles from our neighborhood. He’s been doing this since April and everyone in the neighborhood gives him credit for … Continue reading