Most Frightening Disney Moments

In honor of my favorite holiday I’m going to look at the scariest moments in Disney movies. I’m not as well-versed in all of their live action flicks, so I’ll limit my focus to the animated features. The first movie that immediately popped into my head was “Pinocchio.” Believe it or not, it wasn’t the mammoth Monstro that most frightened me. It was anything to do with Pleasure Island, particularly the donkey transformations. Even at my young age I sensed something sinister about the crowds of boys pushing and scrabbling at one another to get at the attractions on Pleasure … Continue reading

The High Cost of Demand

The more you want something, the more you’re willing to pay. Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you can get the item cheaper in a month or by waiting until an after-Christmas sale—if you want it badly enough, you’ll be willing to fork over the dough to get it when you want it. This goes for everything from that latest must-have new gadget to the coolest, cutest new shoes down to the basics like gasoline. Yes, I experienced that myself this very morning. Last month, I had the misfortune of running out of gas (don’t laugh at me – broken gas … Continue reading

Even More Tips To Remember When You Travel With Kids

So you decided to brave the crowds and hit the highways, skies and rails this holiday weekend? With the price of gas edging ever so close to the $4 mark around here, my family has decided to sit this Memorial Day weekend out. Yes, we are one of the millions of Americans who will be spending the holiday attending festivals close to home. Which means I will not be planning, packing, driving, flying, or sailing with an overtired 3-year-old in tow (like I did two months ago). However, for all of you brave souls who will be heading out on … Continue reading

And You Thought You Had It Bad At The Gas Pump

How much are you paying for a gallon of gas these days? Around here the price is hovering around $3.50. Outrageous! But, not as bad as in Aspen, Colorado where unleaded gas prices recently broke the $4 mark. If you think that’s bad consider this: some disabled drivers are getting socked even harder because they can’t get out of their cars to pump gas themselves. Some gas stations are charging disabled drivers up to 50 cents more a gallon for the same fuel you and I are filling our vehicles with. I learned about the gas rip-off during a recent … Continue reading